Kodi is formerly known as XBMC (Xbox media center). Kodi is a open source media center which you can install in many of your devices (Android, Window, iOS, Linux and OSX). This app can be used for watching video or movie, playing music and also playing digital media file from the internet and your Local area network(LAN). To download kodi, you can click here.
As it contains many features, it is normally installed in most of the Android Tv box. Thus, it is important that you understand what is Kodi before you get an Android Tv Box. When you install Kodi, it will not have many features. Many of the features comes from third party addons which can be downloaded from the internet and then installed in Kodi. Thus, the user will normally have to set up kodi and then install addon. This requires working knowledge of the addons required and how to install those addons. This is in contrast to the popular belief that a simple installation will enable you to watch anything.
Repository are a collection of Addons. One repository usually contains many addons. It is very normal to find repository rather than single Addon in the internet. Thus, to install addon, you have to download the right repository. With the right addons, then you will be able to play your desirable digital media file either from the internet or local area network. However, this requires knowledge of the addons require. There is no all in one addon available. Hence, it is normal to have multiple addons in a Android Tv box. Please continue to read the blog as i will be blogging on how to install some of the addons that i normally used. Thanks.
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