Introduction to CDC Motorbike Practical Lesson 5
CDC Motorbike Practical Lesson 5 is all about circuit assessment of all 6 courses. There is actually “7th” course which is general riding in the circuit. Be sure to practice on the general riding in the circuit well which is essentially what you learn in lesson 2. You have to pass this lesson before you are allowed to ride in public road for lesson 6, 7 and 7. You will only be riding two rounds around the circuit for CDC Motorbike Practical Lesson 5. One is the warm up round and the other one is the acutal evaluation. To pass this lesson, you can only accumulate only 10 or less demerit points. The room for error is very small in this case and I think CDC Motorbike Practical Lesson 5 is much harder to pass than final lesson 8. Thus, to increase your chance of passing this lesson, I highly recommend that you can take circuit revision just before this lesson so that you can warm up first. There are 3 reasons.
Pre CDC Motorbike Practical Lesson 5 tips
Firstly, the instructor generally dislikes learner who come for CDC Motorbike Practical Lesson 5 without any circuit revision because they feel that these learner are just trying their luck. By attending a circuit revision, you will have a stamp on your booklet and the instructor may be less strict.
Secondly, you can warm up yourself before the actual lesson. You will be more confident as you have practiced before going for CDC Motorbike Practical Lesson 5. Moreover, you can test out the bike to see if there are any problems with the bike. If there is no problem with the bike and you are happy with the bike(mainly the biting point), please remember the bike number that you rode as you should be using the same bike which you have gotten used to. This will increase your chance of passing CDC Motorbike Practical Lesson 5.
“Booking” of Bike
Thirdly, you can ‘book’ the bike that you used during circuit revision for your CDC Motorbike Practical Lesson 5. Please choose a bike number for circuit revision that you have good experience with in the past lessons. There are several way to ‘book’ a bike. You can place your helmet on the bike once the circuit revision is over to book the bike. However, if the instructor saw this, you might get scolded but this will certainly help you ‘book’ the bike. If you do not want to risk incurring the wrath of the instructor, another way is to end the circuit revision earlier and then park the bike in a very inaccessible area so that you can immediately go to bike once the instructor for lesson 5 releases the learner to take the bike. However, there will also be learners from other lessons who may be released earlier and may take the bike that you want to ‘book’.
For those who did not take circuit revision before CDC Motorbike Practical Lesson 5, there are still ways whereby you can still ‘book’ the bike. You will have to come early for CDC Motorbike Practical Lesson 5 and then head straight to the bike parking area so that you placed your helmet on the bike to ‘book’ it. However, the bike you want to ‘book’ may be taken by those who have attended the previous circuit revision. Doing so might earn you the wrath of the instructor. Alternatively, you can come early and then go to the bike parking area to see the position of the bike that you are eyeing. In this case, you will be able to go straight to the bike once released by instructor instead of searching high and low for the bike.
Number Tag
The learner with the smallest number tag will start off first for lesson 5 actual test. So if you do not want to start first so that you can observe, get a number tag with bigger number. There are 15 number tags with number 1 – 15. If you do not want to start first, be sure to take number 12 – 15. If you arrive late for the lesson, you will most likely start off first as all the bigger number are usually being taken by those who reached early.
Warm up Round
Lesson 5 will start off with 1 warm up round in the circuit so that you can test your bike. If there is any problem with your bike when going through the warm up round, then you can request for a change of bike. After the warm up round, you will be attending the pretest briefing whereby instructor will give a briefing on the test route and the blindspot to check on the test route. By now, you should have memorized them, else good luck. If lesson 8 is being conducted at the same time, then you may have to wait until all lesson 8 learner complete their circuit assessment before the actual lesson 5 starts.
Actual CDC Motorbike Practical Lesson 5 Test
You will start off at the start line and you should already be arranged in the order of your number tag starting with the smallest number. Remember to on your left signal as you will be turning left. If there are another rider beside you at the starting point, look at the number tag to decide which rider proceed. The rider with the smaller number tag will proceed first. Only proceed when the instructor opposite of you give a hand signal. Else, you will get immediate failure if you proceed without instruction.
Once hand signal given to proceed, Check back right slightly longer to check for any vehicles turning left from the figure of 8 and then blindspot left. When clear, throttle up and then change to gear two. Signal right and then check mirror. When you are reaching the third dotted line, then proceed to change lane to the right lane. Do make sure that you are moving in diagonal manner when changing lane. Else, it will be considered as abrupt lane change. If you did not practice this part well, you will end up with lot of demerits point (wobbling, poor acceleration and abrupt lane change) even before you start any of the courses.
Form up two rows (right, left, right, left) at the T junction. You will be inching forward often at this point so remember to check back right if you are moving off from stationary position. This is important. If you are inching forward 10 times, you have to check back right 10 times.
There is a stop line at the T junction so you must stop before the stop line. Even if there is a small distance between your bike and the stop line, you also must stop at the stop line. Failure to do so will result in immediate failure. After stopping at the stop line, check back right and inch out slightly with your left foot on the stop line.
When the traffic is clear, proceed to turn right, change to gear 2 and then cancel right signal. Then signal left and proceed to change to left lane. Remember to cancel left signal after change to left lane. There is an arrow before the plank. Remember to check right blindspot when you are on the arrow as there is a right bend ahead.
After the bend, signal right to change lane to the right and when you are in the middle of the multihead arrow, check blindspot right first before turning right. This area is a problematic area because sometime there is a long queue of car waiting to go into the directional change course. In this case, you will be unable to change lane to the right as the queue may extend all the way to the bend. You will have to stop on right side of the left lane and wait to see if the car is stopping to going to the directional change course or going straight. Normally, those learner car waiting for directional change course will be queueing behind the directional change course. If there is car that is in front of the directional change course, then that car should be heading straight or turning right. You have to give way to them.
Next, you will be turning right and then will be heading to slope. Remember at most 2 riders before the stop line and 2 riders at the bottom of the slope waiting. Complete your slope as per lesson 3 and stop before the line. Do not inch out.
When clear, proceed to turn left. There is an arrow on the ground before the bend. When your bike is in the middle of the arrow, blindspot left as there is a bend ahead. Remember, there is only one arrow head. If you stop here, the bike formation is 2 rows. You will then see a zebra crossing ahead. Do slow down and prepare to stop if there is someone waiting to cross the road. Bike formation is also 2 rows here. After passing the zebra crossing, signal left. There is multiple arrow head before the left turn. So whenever, you see arrow on the ground, remember to blindspot left when your bike is in the middle of the arrow.
Figure of 8 & Crank Course
You now see the figure of 8 course in front. The queue will be one row before the yellow box and two rows after yellow box. Wait for blinker light before proceeding. Complete your figure of 8 course as per lesson 3 and then crank course. Just before you exit from the crank course, please check your far right side to see if there is any bike or car turning left to enter the figure of 8. If there is any left turning car or bike, you have to stop after the line to give way to them. You also have to check if there is any right turning car exiting the car crank course directly opposite of the bike crank course. Then check back right and blindspot left before you move off after giving way.
If there is a queue for the figure of 8 that extend beyond the yellow box, then you will have to signal right once your front wheel touches the yellow box. Then you have to check your right mirror before checking your right blindspot. After that signal left, check left mirror and then left blindspot before changing to your left lane.
There will be a traffic light in front. If the light is green, you need to check blindspot left when you are at the multihead arrow before turning left. If the traffic light is red and you are the first rider, then you have to check back right and blindspot left before you proceed when the traffic light turns green. After that, you need to cancel signal and remain in the left lane for a while before signaling right to change to right lane. Do not change straight to the right lane when you are turning left.
Plank & Pylon Slalom Course
Form up 2 rows again at the T junction. Remember stop line must stop. When the traffic is clear, proceed to turn right, change to gear 2 and then cancel right signal. Then signal left and proceed to change to left lane. There is an arrow on the road before the plank course. This arrow indicated that you need to signal left before you reach the arrow. When your bike is completely within the arrow on the ground, you need to check your left blindspot before you filter left into the plank course.
After entering the plank course, remember to cancel the signal. Wait for blinker light before proceeding to complete your plank course. Complete plank course as per lesson 4. After completing plank, proceed to do pylon slalom as per lesson 4.
After exiting from Pylon Slalom Course, you may have to change lane to the right lane as there is usually car blocking the way to the E-brake course. Remember to signal right and then check blindspot right before change lane right. After passing the car, proceed to switch back to the left lane so that you can proceed to complete your E-brake. Wait for the blinker light before proceeding. Proceed to complete your E-brake course as per lesson 4. The bumpy course can be skipped. Be careful not to cross the double white line. There is an arrow ahead after the give way line just before the bend. Remember to check your right blindspot when you are in the arrow. Do not relax yet as the test is not finished even though the last course is completed. You still have to ride back to the bike nursery area to complete the whole test. Follow the route given and the test will only be completed once you parked the bike and placed it on mainstand.
You will then head back to the waiting area while returning your number tag and removing your guards. There will be some waiting time as the instructor consolidate the results from various stations. You will be called by your number tag individually and be given the result slip. If you have failed, remember not to just leave. This is because you can ask the instructor on where did you committed the error so that you can avoid the same mistake next time.
Do visit this post to learn more about other CDC practical lessons. You can also read this forummer post on CDC Practical Lesson 5 for Class 2B Motorbike.
Pls do try to complete all your theory lessons and tests as soon as possible to prevent any bottlenecking. Both theory and practical lesson can be cleared at the same time. Some learners progress were impeded as they are unable to book their next practical lesson due to not clearing their theory lessons and tests fast enough. Do visit this post to learn more about other CDC practical lessons.
As i am no longer learning in CDC, i might not be able to give the most updated information. Thus, i am forming a telegram group so that i can create a learner community to engage all CDC motorcycle learner whereby you all can share your learning experience and learn from each other. Do join the Telegram group by clicking here. The link is
Telegram is chosen instead of whatapp because it allows user to create username and hide your handphone number. Do consider to install telegram from google app store.
If you have any question or thing that you do not understand, you can contact via telegram or email. For faster response, please contact me via telegram or whatsapp. The QR code is the link to contact me via telegram. Telegram is messaging app for smartphone similar to whatapp.

Hi,i failed for my 1st attempt prac 5 at the slope station,plank station and salom station…
Hi,i failed for my 1st attempt prac 5 at the slope station,plank station and salom station…
My result i got 4 immediate 0 demerit
THen book more circuit revisions and practise more before attempting the lesson 5. Please read my blog for more info on the respective station
amazing post and tips
I failed my Lesson 5 1st attempt
Wow your posts and informative guides really helped me a lot. I truly appreciate all your writings, god bless
Bikes are of same model but the school unable to maintain them in similar condition resulting in different clutch biting in points. Some motor starter cannot work. Some the engine throttle over sensitive and revs to very high at slight tough of throttle.
All these creates unnecessary stress on learners who are obviously having little experience. From a learning perspective I think the school can do better.
It seems that such a problem has existed for long time and people actually have accepted this as a part of life. But the truth is, while not every bike there can be exactly identical in response or performance, these bikes certainly can be maintained better such that learners have more peace of mind so they can focus on what matters. We should learn to demand better quality. In other countries, learners can bring their own bike so they always use the same bike and this allows them to learn fastest.
Everyone in CDC face this problem. My suggestion is to try out other motorcycle riding school if you are unhappy with the quality of the motorcycle. Otherwise, you can read my blog and learn how to solve this problem by remembering which bike numbers suit your riding style best. In future, when you are taking lesson 5 and 8, you should try to go for the same bikes
What happens when we cannot secure our favorite bike?
Then pray that the bike you randomly picked suit your riding style. My tip is to have more than 1 favourite bike as backup. Best to have 3 – 4 backup bike number and build up a database of bike when you go on circuit revision.
Else, if you failed the lesson, the instructor will tell you to YMCA (You May Come Again)
Wow, this UNCERTAINTY makes an already NERVE WRECKING experience two times more stressful!
If we Add the Extremely long waiting time of 2 months (1/6th of a year) Exam date booking , it’s 3 times the stress!
Is there a way to handle all the different Clutch settings and still pass the exam?
In real life, we do not need the skill of being able to adapt to different bike with different clutching points and rev responses. This skill is not practically required in real life.
So, I think this way of testing is unnecessarily stressful for learners. But it secures more Revision revenue.
The only way to handle all different clutch setting is to go for more circuit revisions and expose yourself to different bike everything. This way, you will build a database of your favourite and unsuitable bike for yourself. However, do note that you will not be able to choose your bike during traffic police test unless you are very old. Normally, those in their 37 – 60 will be able to choose bike. Those who are younger will have to take any bike during traffic police test
Thanks Arcane .
I wonder how are other school’s bikes maintained?
Hi John
I was told that whenever you find a bike requiring tuning eg. the clutch biting point, you can feedback to the instructor so that they can fix it soonest. Else the issue will remain forever. So, learners need to do their part to FEEDBACK. It’s a collective effort.
Yes, it’s true. I reported to the mechanic uncle Everytime after my session so that he can keep my favorite bike or any other bike in reasonable condition so that the timing is done that day and won’t come back for some time. MY POINT IS , as long as we learners all do our part, we all will benefit and have a more confident assessment or exam. So, we have to do our part providing feedback and NOT BE SELFISH MINDED and keep quiet or heck care.
If bikes are all adjusted to have similar Clutch settings , which is technically possible, then the favorite bike situation would not have existed.
They should have a few bikes ASSIGNED to learners with short, medium and large hands. Learners should be categorised into these hand sizes and assigned these groups of bikes and problem will be resolved more or less. But the problem remains because the people are powerless.
I doubt they will adjust the clutch settings since the same bikes remain having the same clutch characteristic and that’s why people have certain favorite bikes. If clutch settings are really adjusted, these favorite bikes no longer are favorite bikes. It’s an UNNECESSARY ADDITIONAL TORTURE TO LEARNERS and those taking tests and assessments.
If not mistaken SSDC circuits are on a multistorey building. Does this mean learners won’t need to learn in the rain unlike in CDC which am I right to say is a GLC ?
SSDC circuit is multistorey building. Thus, if you are learning there, you will not be expose to the element of the weather as you will be under the building when learning in the circuit. However, SSDC location is not very accessible as opposed to CDC. CDC location is the plus point.
I am not sure whether CDC is GLC…
I believe if not for the closer proximity to many learners , they would not have chosen to learn under the hot sun and pouring rain and causing some to give up going for the lesson due to rain forfeiting their payment made and having to endure the discomfort and stress of learner under the rain where instructor voice is less audible and road is more slippery. Being weather-proof saves learners money for they can pass faster and less wasted bookings and no uncertainty.
While passing rate may be high, the lapsed time may be higher based on many anecdotal evidence.
It’s well known that many got their license from BBDC and SSDC faster than from CDC. Any stats to confirm this hearsay?
SSDC is indeed having the smartest most conducive facility for learners. Instructors also dun need to be as tanned as life guards.
Over all, CDC and BBDC offers harsher learning environment for learners by virtue of its open air concept.
From a learning educational perspective, this are unnecessary torture for learners.
With the millions earned, CDC should be demolished and a mscp style building erected to offer weather-proof learning environment for Singaporeans , thereby saving learners from the many tortures they since inception have been enduring. CDC is thus very outdated and is a really OLD SCHOOL in more ways than one.
It’s time for CDC to be demolished. Stop the torture! Be part of a smart city. Demolish it now.
if you are riding bike in singapore, you will be exposed to the elements of the weather. If you cannot take the hardship, i suggest that you can change to driving a car instead. You can look at the test date which is available on each learning school website. Sometime, SSDC and BBDC do have much lesser waiting period for the Traffic Police test than CDC. The long waiting period could be due to larger amount of learner in CDC as CDC is located in more accessible location as compared to the other 2 learning schools.
Great and informative guide, thanks for sharing.
Hi, how many demerit points is considered a fail for lesson 5 assessment?
12 or more if i remembered correctly. It will be better if you can join this telegram chat group as the learners inside can give you the most updated information. There are more than 80 members inside the chat and there are many updated information in the chat contributed by members inside. Do join the group chat
Hi, i did my Practical 5 for the forth time already and fail. My first two Prac 5 Emergency brake, theres no incorrect posture but for my third and fourth try the instructor tick the incorrect posture for my E-brake. Im not sure why, any tips? I feel like i did all the E-Brake steps correctly.